Strange Utterances from Pio-Nono

same crazy people...slightly different location!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

YOU NEED TO FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Pio-Nono is no more!?!?!?!?

this is an audio post - click to play

The apartment is empty...SAAAADDD! :(
(said in the tone of Rory Gilmore)

Its been a pleasure serving you with spectacular and random posts over the last 2 years. We appreciate all of the comments, and attendance to the many amazing partays we have provided for your enjoyment. We know that you will sincerely miss our gleeful entertainment...however, you can still join in the fun by finding one of the three of us. Just because there is no more Pio-Nono doesn't mean we aren't the most wondermous, fantastical, stupendous, over-the-top, filled with sensationality people on the face of the whole earth. (Damn, that is a sweet earth....ROUND!)
You will miss us.
Admit it.
You can't deny it.
You should probably take this off your link list soon, because there will never be another post.
Stop reading.
We're done.
We're going to quit

Ok, really? You need to quit reading.
This is getting sad.
I mean, I know we're great, but COME ON!
If your life is seriously changed by the lack of Pio-Nono, you need to fix that.